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How To Use This Content Management System

by Keir Chapman


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Hello. Welcome to my CMS constructed using PHP, some Mysql queries and a little bit of JavaScript. Feel free to browse both the front and back end of this application. You can create a user account using the registration button in the sidebar to see the functionality available to subscribers. If you would like to play around with a little more functionality you can use the public contributer account I have created with the following credentials..

*Username: Demo

*Password: Guest123

 Although a contributor account I have made some changes for the sake of security. Firstly you can view all posts, comments etc and see some of the functionality normally available however you will not be able to delete or edit created posts or comments but you can create new ones if you wish.

As a contributor you also dont have access to the users area. Although I could have disabled the functionality, there is the risk that users will enter personal information when creating accounts so in order to keep their data secure I have blocked the entire area to anyone without an admin account.

Apart from that enjoy this and any of the other apps in my portfollio.

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Jimmy 2017-08-29

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Blog Search

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